Sensitive design for all scales of project within the rural landscape, from small car parks to new holiday cabins sites.

Nevis Forest Cabins - Highlands

The design of a new holiday cabin site for 50 timber lodges, forest retreat and recreational hub, path network and viewpoints within the mature woodland of Leanachan Forest, near to the Ben Nevis Mountain range.  As a part of wider proposals for the creation of a mountain resort for the Nevis Mountain area Munro Landscape worked alongside Forest Holidays and Forest and Land Scotland to explore the potential to work with the woodland site, interspersing cabins within the woodland and linking to the wider forest and mountain landscape., Full design proposals were developed for the site, working sensitively with the existing woodland and wider recreational resource.  Munro Landscape also provided assessment services for LVIA reporting alongside the design, to ensure that a full understanding of the wider sensitivities and constraints for development were taken into account and that potential landscape and visual impacts were contained within this iconic landscape area.

Strathyre Forest Cabins - Stirling

Munro Landscape have been involved in various stages of the development and expansion of the Forest Holidays Strathyre Cabins site, alongside the shores of Loch Lubnaig, Stirlingshire.  Subtly placing timber lodges into the broadleaf woodland along the loch shores has enabled increased capacity, whilst retaining the essential characteristic of the fragile lochside setting.  Landscape assessment was undertaken alongside design work, to ensure that lochside views and mountain views were unaffected and protected, with enhancements created where possible to the recreational experience of travelling through the site, along the old disused Callander to Oban railway line.

Glencoe Lochan Car park - Highlands

Design proposals were prepared for the redevelopment and upgrading of the popular Glencoe Lochan car park, with gentle walking trails around the lochan and adjacent hillsides and views to the iconic peaks of Glen Coe.  The overcrowded car park was expanded into the adjacent woodland, with realignment of trail starts and insertion of picnic area to create a more usable and legible destination and parking facility.